Creating Resources.

We are dedicated to creating the very best resources and relational processes to strengthen marriages.

Empowering People.

We empower couples to connect, guiding them to intentionally discover their God-given purpose in marriage.

Strengthening Marriages.

Churches who adopt our programs are seeing a decrease in divorces and an increase in couples' potential.

Marriage Mentors Training Options


Our Programs

Marriage Discipleship

We train and equip marriage Mentors to empower lay couples to disciple other married couples like no other mentoring ministry. Partnering pastors love the process because it equips their people for ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12), thus giving them time to pastor their congregation.

Learn More  |  Find Resources  |  Start Your Ministry

Premarital Experience

I Promise is a biblically-based premarital resource designed to help dating or engaged couples prepare for marriage. We intentionally designed I Promise to engage each participant both individually and as a couple by using thought provoking questions about biblical truth, each other’s unique personalities and their life experiences.

Learn More  |  Find Resources  |  Become a Facilitator

Personality Assessment

What if there was a way for you to connect with others by better understanding their personality characteristics and them better understanding yours? The Connect Assessment® Personality Profile is designed to do just that. Upon completion, each individual can learn more about how they and others prefer to, among other things, communicate, make decisions, resolve conflict and tend to respond under stress.

Learn More  |  Take Your Assessment

Marriage Minutes


A 60-second podcast to encourage your marriage
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 30 items in 3 pages
Responsibilities in Marriage/MarriageMinute/Responsibilities-in-Marriage
The First Two Hours/MarriageMinute/The-First-Two-Hours
The Love Chapter Check Up/MarriageMinute/The-Love-Chapter-Check-Up
Power of Prayer in Marriage/MarriageMinute/Power-of-Prayer-in-Marriage
The Five Love Languages/MarriageMinute/The-Five-Love-Languages
Complaining and Expectations/MarriageMinute/Complaining-and-Expectations
Seeking God Together/MarriageMinute/Seeking-God-Together
Changing Negative Emotions/MarriageMinute/Changing-Negative-Emotions

Complaining and Expectations

A wise friend once told me that along with almost every complaint, you’ll find an expectation. Our expectations are founded in our beliefs. These beliefs ultimately determine our actions and how we think others should act. Complaining tells others that our expectations have been violated, and we want something different.

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Knowing Your Spouse

Like many other married couples, instead of getting know each other like you did before getting married, you now spend most of your time managing every day responsibilities with children and work. So, how well do you really know your spouse?

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